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Hardhat Console

Start Hardhat Console

If you want to start a hardhat console run:

cd hardhat
npx hardhat console --network development

You can connect to different networks by changing the --network option.

Get the Signer Account

The signer account in development network will be 0x916f8E7566Dd63D7c444468CaDeA37e80f7F8048. If you connect to Ynet then it will be the account that is represented by the key you have in your local .point folder.

account = await ethers.getSigner();
account.address // 0x916f8E7566Dd63D7c444468CaDeA37e80f7F8048
(await ethers.provider.getBalance(account.address)).toString() // yPOINT balance

Load the Identtiy Contract

Then you can interact with the deployed Point contracts. In development the Identity contract should always be deployed to 0xD61e5eFcB183418E1f6e53D0605eed8167F90D4d so you can get a deployed contract instance like so:

id = await ethers.getContractAt("Identity", "0xD61e5eFcB183418E1f6e53D0605eed8167F90D4d")
id.address // 0xD61e5eFcB183418E1f6e53D0605eed8167F90D4d

Interact with the Identity Contract

Assuming you have already deployed Point Social to your development environment you can run the following in the Hardhat console to get the deployed Point Social contract address.

await id.ikvGet('social', 'zweb/contracts/address/PointSocial')