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Point Deploy Json File Explained

This document outlines the options available to you as a Zapp developer when using the point.deploy.json deployment manifest file.


The point.deploy.json deployment manifest file is used as a set of config based instructions for the Point Deployer. It outlines:

  1. The domain of the Zapp.
  2. The Smart Contract dependencies to compile and deploy.
  3. Any keyvalues to set in the Smart Contract during the initial deployment.
  4. A boolean to indicate if the Smart Contracts are upgradable.
  5. The folder where the build static site will be rendered from

A very basic minimal point.deploy.json looks like this:

"version": 0.1,
"target": "hello.point",
"keyvalue": {},
"contracts": [
"upgradable": true,
"rootDir": "public"


  • version: the version of the Point Deploy Manifest
  • target: the name of the Zapp and target endpoint of the Zapp for deployment
  • keyvalue: a set of key value pairs used to call functions in the Smart Contract immediately after deployment. See here for an example of this.
  • contracts: a list of Smart Contracts to be compiled and deployed along with the Zapp. Any contract names listed here must have a corresponding Solidity Smart Contract file located in the Contracts directory of the Zapp
  • upgradable: indicates if the Smart Contract is built using the supported Open Zeppelin Upgradable Contract pattern. See here for an example of this.
  • rootDir: the folder where the static website will be built and served from (default is public).