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In pointd/config/config.toml you can set your peers.

See the Add persistent peers section in our docs for an automated method, but field should look something like a comma separated string of peers (NOTE do not copy, this is just an example):

persistent_peers = "5576b0160761fe81ccdf88e06031a01bc8643d51@,13e850d14610f966de38fc2f925f6dc35c7f4bf4@,38eb4984f89899a5d8d1f04a79b356f15681bb78@,59c4351009223b3652674bd5ee4324926a5a11aa@,3a5a9022c8aa2214a7af26ebbfac49b77e34e5c5@,4fc0bea2044c9fd1ea8cc987119bb8bdff91aaf3@,6624238168de05893ca74c2b0270553189810aa7@,9d247286cd407dc8d07502240245f836e18c0517@,37d59371f7578101dee74d5a26c86128a229b8bf@,b607050b4e5b06e52c12fcf2db6930fd0937ef3b@,7a6bbbb6f6146cb11aebf77039089cd038003964@"

Sharing your Peer

You can see and share your peer with the tendermint show-node-id command

pointd tendermint show-node-id
  • Peer Format: node-id@ip:port
  • Example: ac29d21d0a6885465048a4481d16c12f59b2e58b@

Healthy peers

If you are relying on just seed node and no persistent peers or a low amount of them, please increase the following params in the config.toml:

# Maximum number of inbound peers
max_num_inbound_peers = 120

# Maximum number of outbound peers to connect to, excluding persistent peers
max_num_outbound_peers = 60