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Storage Layer

Point Network is a system for building decentralized websites with a distributed storage layer.

Point Network Storage Layer


Some of the following maybe outdated. Its receommended to check the source code directly for very latest approach implemented in Point Node which is using Arweave for the storage layer.

To save a file in the storage layer, a developer can call the putFile function passing in the file like so: storage.putFile(filePath). This is a function call that will return the unique file id of the file originally located at the filePath.

Firstly we can outline this using high level state machine diagrams for File, Chunk and ProviderLink as follows.

File States

stateDiagram-v2 [*] --> Created: putFile Created --> Uploading: chunkify Uploading --> Uploaded: chunks_uploading==0 Uploading --> Uploading: chunks_uploading>0 Uploaded --> [*]

Chunk States

stateDiagram-v2 [*] --> Created: createChunkFromFile Created --> Uploading: check state Uploading --> Uploading: chunk conditions NOT satisfied Uploading --> Uploaded: chunk conditions satisfied Uploaded --> [*]
stateDiagram-v2 [*] --> Created Created --> Agreed Created --> Failed note left of Created: STORE_CHUNK_REQUEST Agreed --> Establish_payment_channel:Payment channel does not exists Agreed --> Encrypting:Payment channel already exists Establish_payment_channel --> Encrypting Encrypting --> Encrypted Encrypting --> Failed Encrypted --> SendingSegmentMap note left of SendingSegmentMap: STORE_CHUNK_SEGMENTS SendingSegmentMap --> SendingData note left of SendingData: STORE_CHUNK_DATA SendingSegmentMap --> Failed SendingData --> DataReceived SendingData --> Failed DataReceived --> AskingForSignature AskingForSignature --> Signed AskingForSignature --> Failed note left of AskingForSignature: STORE_CHUNK_SIGNATURE_REQUEST Failed --> [*] Signed --> [*] note left of Signed: SEND_MICROPAYMENT_FOR_CHUNK

NOTE: Yellow boxes represent communication to the linked node.

Process: upload and chunkify file

  1. Storage.putFile - the public storage interface for storing a file on the network. It calls Storage.enqueueFileForUpload and waits to get the file id of the file (file may not be uploaded yet). Then waits until the File uploading status is File.UPLOADING_STATUS_UPLOADED. It also calls Storage.chunkUploadingTick to ensure the chunks are uploaded based on the expectations set in the file metadata.

  2. Storage.enqueueFileForUpload- This calls File.chunkify (see details below) and sets the files metadata for redundancy, expiry and auto renew policies. Once the file is broken into chunks it calls File.reconsiderUploadingStatus (see below).

  3. File.chunkify - splits the file by breaking the file into chunks of equal size of bytes upto the last chunk which may be smaller in size. It also creates a merkle tree using the chunk ids as the leaves. Each chunk has an initial state of Chunk.UPLOADING_STATUS_CREATED.

  4. File.reconsiderUploadingStatus - sets the chunks metadata for redundancy, expiry and auto renew policies and then calls Chunk.reconsiderUploadingStatus for each chunk (see below).

  5. Chunk.reconsiderUploadingStatus - checks that the chunk has the expected data redundancy (i.e. that it is stored in at least N providers) and that it has not expired. If any of these are not settled then the status of the chunk is set to Chunk.UPLOADING_STATUS_UPLOADING otherwise it is considered uploaded and so the status is set to Chunk.UPLOADING_STATUS_UPLOADED

  6. Storage.chunkUploadingTick - this function is called as a result of the original call to Storage.putFile and it is also called on every ‘tick’ if there are any chunks that have a status Chunk.UPLOADING_STATUS_UPLOADING. In this function the chunks Storage Links are pushed through various states of the uploading process and we can run though these states in the next step.

Process: checking upload status

The Storage.chunkUploadingTick function checks, and potentially, modifies the state of all the Storage Links of an uploading file chunk. The state of the chunk must be in Chunk.UPLOADING_STATUS_UPLOADING for this function to proceed.

The function proceeds as follows:

  1. Checks if the uploading chunk is required to be pushed to additional storage providers. It does this by fetching all the Storage Links for the chunk that have not failed and then compares that with the chunk redundancy to determine if more are required.

  2. StorageLink.STATUS_CREATED: If additional Storage Providers are required then one is chosen using chooseProviderCandidate() function. The process of choosing a provider candidate is detailed elsewhere in the docs. A new Storage Link is created and the provider, redkeyId, and chunk id is set on this new instance.

  3. StorageLink.STATUS_AGREED: A STORE_CHUNK_REQUEST call is made to the linked Storage Provider and if agreed a check to determine if there is an existing payment channel between the client and the storage provider is carried out using checkExistingChannel() function. If a channel exists the status is updated to StorageLink.STATUS_AGREED otherwise it is updated to StorageLink.STATUS_ESTABLISH_PAYMENT_CHANNEL if the STORE_CHUNK_REQUEST call fails it is updated to StorageLink.STATUS_FAILED. The STORE_CHUNK_REQUEST call is handled using a custom Kademlia plugin or middleware that defines this handler (more on networking in a separate section of the documentation). Note this is a request to another node to store the chunk and at this point the actual chunk data is not sent to the other node - only the id, length and expiry parameters are sent.

  4. StorageLink.STATUS_ESTABLISH_PAYMENT_CHANNEL: The function then checks in the StorageLink.STATUS_ESTABLISH_PAYMENT_CHANNEL state and creates a payment channel with the Storage Provider using createChannel() function. if successful the status is updated to StorageLink.STATUS_AGREED.

  5. StorageLink.STATUS_ENCRYPTING: The function then checks all the Storage Links in the StorageLink.STATUS_AGREED state and begins the encryption process. The Storage Link state is first updated to StorageLink.STATUS_ENCRYPTING and then the encryption process is performed by a forked child process that returns a message to the parent process when the encryption is complete.

  6. StorageLink.STATUS_ENCRYPTED: The resulting encrypted chunk is split into multiple segment hashes used to produce a Merkle Tree representation of the chunk. This is then used to update the Storage Link once more with the resulting encrypted hash, encryption data length, segment hashes, merkle tree and merkle tree root. The status is updated to StorageLink.STATUS_ENCRYPTED at this point or StorageLink.STATUS_FAILED if the encryption process failed.

  7. StorageLink.STATUS_SENDING_SEGMENT_MAP: The function then checks all the Storage Links in the StorageLink.STATUS_ENCRYPTED state and begins sending the segment map to the linked Storage Provider. It first sets the state to StorageLink.STATUS_SENDING_SEGMENT_MAP and then calls STORE_CHUNK_SEGMENTS on the linked Storage Provider. The status is then updated to either StorageLink.STATUS_SENDING_DATA if the request was successful or StorageLink.STATUS_DATA_RECEIVED if the response was ECHUNKALREADYSTORED from the linked Storage Provider. As always, if there was an error then the status is set to StorageLink.STATUS_FAILED .

  8. StorageLink.STATUS_SENDING_DATA: The function then checks all the Storage Links in the StorageLink.STATUS_SENDING_DATA state and then prepares the data to be sent to the linked Storage Provider (which includes checking if chunks should be retransmitted due to a timeout condition). Once the data is prepared it calls STORE_CHUNK_DATA which will invoke the equivalent function on the linked Storage Provider instance which will then store the data sent. On successful transmission of the data the Storage Link status is updated to StorageLink.STATUS_DATA_RECEIVED otherwise it is updated to StorageLink.STATUS_FAILED.

  9. StorageLink.STATUS_DATA_RECEIVED: The function then checks all the Storage Links in the StorageLink.STATUS_DATA_RECEIVED state and updates the state to StorageLink.STATUS_ASKING_FOR_SIGNATURE and then sends a request to the linked Storage Provider for it to sign the chunk. Once it is successfully signed the status is changed to StorageLink.STATUS_SIGNED and the agreed micropayment is made to the Storage Provider using the makePayment() function. otherwise it is updated to StorageLink.STATUS_FAILED.